What a gift the simple cardboard box is! We make it a point of saving all the cardboard boxes we can put our hands on. From making impromptu trucks or carriages to sit in to houses there are many, man
Math and I – Bhuvana (14yrs)
Math and IIs math a science or is it art, or is it a religion like Calvin says?According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination,
In early December 2014, a group of ten tiny tots ( ages 6 and 7) were accompanied by two teachers on a three day visit to Thiruvannamalai. We were in time for the mela at the Marudam school and there
Glimpses of Shibumi
Some years ago mature students from Brockwood Park School had visited Shibumi and spent a lot of time engaging with the school, interacting with the students and the teachers. In their explo
A Tale of Two Cities – Retold by some of us at Shibumi during the Dickens Exposure
During Non-Month in school, Tanu and Sharad had planned a trip to Chennai to go on a turtle walk. We would spend one whole night on the beach. Unfortunately the trip was to happen on a weekend when I