Colours In Quarantine

April26, 2020
by Shibumi

During the last week with some children we looked around our kitchen and (balcony) gardens to find natural colours. Haldi, flowers, onions, beetroot, leaves were got!

Then we squished these onto a sheet of paper to see the colours that emerged!
Some had no colour and some very happy ones!

We chose a colour and with a chosen format started to create our compositions.
Here are some shades that emerged!

Green is my favourite colour
Green looks like a leaf
Green smells like a park
If it had a taste,
Green would taste like salted peas,
Green is the colour of joy
– Dhatri

Yellow is a sharp colour
Yellow looks like the morning sun,
Yellow smells like summer
If it had a taste ,
Yellow would taste like a Mango,
Yellow is fresh.

Blue is my favourite colour
Blue looks like the sky
Blue smells like rain
If it had a taste,
Blue would taste like the sea,
Blue is the colour of freedom
– Diya

Orange is a bright colour
Orange looks like fire
Orange smells like a tangarine
If it had a taste,
Orange would taste like orange juice
Orange is the colour of freedom
– Agni

We will create artwork using natural colours for our poems 🙂

Covid-19, Lockdown2020, New Curriculum, Students

Comments (1)

Inspired by the lines in the post, my 8 yr old wanted to share this:
Light green is my favorite colour
It looks like a lizard🦎 in open fields
It smells like a lemon
If it had a taste
Light green would taste like yummy sour ice cream
Light green is the colour of mischief

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The admission process for 2025-26 has concluded for children till O-levels (10th grade).

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