Ladki pe ghoda

July16, 2016
by Shibumi

Mahiti (Age 8) has been facinated with horses. Wanting to draw horses, paint them, stitch them. Last year for our Poetry mela she chose a poem about how to love a horse  to illustrate and share with others. The other day , she was swinging on the tyre swing and walked up to me with a smile on her face.

When she was sure I  was listening to her she shared ….

 ‘I have an idea! I want to make a horse I can ride. See , I will explain…. –looks around… finds a cardboard box…. gets into it…– so, I want the horse around me , so I can ride it. and we can use some boxes for the neck and head.’

Our learning space for the young children is consciously stocked with a variety open-ended material. For the children to easily access, use, play and learn with.

Cardboard boxes are a open-ended resource material that lends itself to versatile unstructured play/learning beautifully.

It takes the children on an adventure and helps them explore the imaginary places in their minds.

animals, Artwork, Education, New Curriculum, Students

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Admissions for 2025-26

The admission process for 2025-26 has concluded for children till O-levels (10th grade).

We invite parents whose children are interested in the intent of the space in the A-level program to apply for admission with us.